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CHOI 51 Foundation News

Choi 51 Foundation donated Baseball gears to kid's Ball club

On Dec 29, 2017 Ji-Man Choi visited 'Seoheung' elementary school located in Incheon, South Korea and donated baseball gears that worth of $15,000 USD to the school's baseball club. 

Choi said "I hope it wouldn't be happened, but the principal of the school has a plan to dissolve the baseball club which I believe he would take those kids dreams, being a pro-baseball player someday, away. I would do anything to prevent not to dissolve the baseball club, so the kids could keep playing ball" through Korean media.   

Choi 51 Foundation donates 20k for hearing-hard kid


Ji-Man Choi of LA Angels established a non-profit organization, 'Choi 51 Foundation' and selected Gilwon Seo for the first beneficiary. Choi invited Seo to Angel stadium on Sep 27, 2016 and donated a scholarship worth $20,000 for Seo

Seo is a hearing-hard baseball player from South Korea and now attends at Gallaudet University. 

 "Choi said that he would invite me to throw the first pitch in an MLB game if he joins the league," Seo said. "He didn't forget what he had said two years ago and kept his promise."

서길원은 청각장애인들로 구성된 충주성심학교 야구부 출신이다. 영화 <글러브>의 실제 주인공으로 잘 알려져 있다. 최지만은 서길원의 미국 유학 첫해였던 2014년부터 그를 도왔다. 최지만은 “유학도, 야구도 돈이 많이 들 수밖에 없잖아요. 그때는 저도 돈이 많지 않을 때라 일단 야구용품부터 도와주기 시작했다”고 말했다.

최지만은 “어려워봐서, 어려운 게 뭔지, 어려운 사람들이 어떤 걸 필요로 하는지 아는 거 같다”고 했다. 동산고 졸업 뒤 시애틀과 46만달러에 계약했다. 미국 생활은 결코 화려하지 않았다. 미국 생활 첫해, 어머니가 손에 쥐여준 100만원을 환전하고 나니 890달러였다. 루키리그 시절 월급이 300달러였다. 1주일에 100달러인 식대보다도 적었다. 그 돈을 안 쓰고 모아 어머니 선물을 샀다.  
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Choi provides 'Baseball lesson' for hearing-hard kids. 


Ji-Man Choi of LA Angels spent priceless time with hearing hard kids in Korea. On December 7, 2016, Choi did Charitable work for hearing hard kids at Sky Dome in Seoul, Korea. It’s pretty cold in Korea, but Choi said his heart is so warm. Choi Hope all of these kids overcome the handicap and make their dreams come true. 


Choi 51 Foundation provides 'First pitch' opportunity 


On Sep 27, 16, Gilwon Seo had a once-in-a-lifetime experience. He threw the ceremonial first pitch to Ji-Man Choi in front of some 20,000 cheering spectators at Angel Stadium in Anaheim, California. 


"I was thrilled for the chance to be a part of the Major League Baseball that day. I was honored to have such a wonderful opportunity," Seo told via text message.

Seo first met Choi back in 2014. Choi played in the minor league at that time contacted Seo first after reading newspaper articles about Seo.  

Choi 51 Foundation donates 3K to G.C.C. Baseball Team 


Ji-Man Choi, the founder of 'Choi 51 Foundation' donates 3K to Glendale Community College Baseball team located in Glendale, Arizona. The manager of the team, ED, said that "Choi is a good baseball player and is a hard worker. We love to work out together and much appreciated for his donation" The money will be used to replace a scoreboard at G.C.C baseball field. 


*한글기사 보기(Related news article) 





Choi 51 Foundation donated Baseball bats to G.C.C.


On Nov 17, 2018 Ji-Man Choi visited Glendale Community College located in Glendale, Arizona and donated baseball bats that worth of $7,500 USD to the school's baseball club. 


Choi said, "It's not much but hope the baseball club likes it.". The manager of the ballclub, T, said "It's a great honor to have Choi as our friend and thank you so much for his contribution to our ballclub. Our players love what Choi's been doing for us. He's a great ball player with a great heart "

*한글기사 보기(Related news article)



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